Book info
Rebirth of the Lucky Crafter
Hiroshi Tanaka, a disillusioned high school student from Tokyo, stumbles upon an ancient game console that transports him to the fantastical world of Aethoria. In this new world brimming with magic and adventure, Hiroshi discovers that he has been reincarnated with a unique crafting ability and unparalleled luck for acquiring rare loot. As he navigates the dangers and mysteries of Aethoria, Hiroshi must harness his newfound powers to confront dark forces and uncover the secrets of his destiny.
- Chapter 1: Departure from the Mundane
- Chapter 2:The Training Grounds
- Chapter 3: Secrets of the Elders
- Chapter 4: Shadows of the past
- Chapter 5: The Mountains of Solara
- Chapter 6: The Echoing Caverns
- Chapter 7: The Desert of Zephyr
- Chapter 8: The Final Confrontation
- Chapter 9: A New Dawn
- Volume 2: The Shadow's return
- Chapter 10: Echoes of Darkness
- Chapter 11: The Gathering Storm
- Chapter 12: The Shadow lands
- Chapter 13: The Ritual
- Chapter 14: A New threat
- Chapter 15:The Keepers of the Light
- Chapter 16: Secrets of the Enchanted Grove
- Chapter 17: The Caverns of Despair
- Chapter 18: The Abyssal Depths
- Chapter 19: The Sky Fortress
- Chapter 20: The Final Seal
- Chapter 21: A New Era