(Updates daily) The Zodiac Prince was reborn, but will he win the war against the Dark King where his previous incarnates failed? The canopy above swallows the moonlight, casting the forest floor in an almost impenetrable darkness. We try to find our way out but every direction looks the same, each tree a silent sentinel watching our growing panic. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth, mingled with something far more sinister: the acrid stench of decaying flesh. Tom and I stop dead on our tracks as if our own instincts warn us of the danger that looms. A sudden rustling sound shatters the dead silence of the night. There, among the twisted trees, a pair of glowing red eyes materialize, glaring at us with a predatory intensity. The creature steps forward into the weak shaft of moonlight that pierce the canopy, revealing itself. Its skin an unnatural pallor, almost translucent, stretched over a hunched and twisted frame, flesh riddled with festering wounds that never heal. The stench emanating from the creature was so overpowering it made our eyes water and our stomach churn. \